The Targeting of Republicans
Your next Republican Liberty Caucus meeting will address the Targeting of Republicans. Please only bring provable FACTS to the meeting.
Yes, the FDLE and Ashley Moody’s office have been invited to the meeting.
To register for the event, please use the following link:
For additional information: Please contact Celeste Ellich or Bob Sutton at Www.CalatravaStratagies.com or Www.chairmanbobsutton.com
If you have proof of any voter intimidation, voter suppression, election interference, or targeting of Republicans, please contact The Florida Department of Law Enforcement at:
If you have proof of any voter intimidation, voter suppression, election interference, or the targeting of Republicans, please contact Floirda’s Attorney General Ashley Moody at
To Join the RLC, Please go to www.rlcfl.org and choose Broward County.
This is absolutely intervention.